[I have a main finance site and currently set up 4 payday loan websites with the hope of seeing them all. my questions are with the 4 payday loan websites being on the same domain selling the same and only product. will this get me penalized by Google? I don’t want to do anything that could potentially be noticed even at a later stage. I have bought the domains now so if it could get me penalized any ideas of what to do with them would be appreciated. e.g redirect in an ethical way.]
It really depends on a few factors that you did not mention in your post. Are you offering the payday loan services yourself? Or, are you linking to a third party website? If it is the latter, then you need to take care that you are not violating Google’s policy against Doorway, or Bridge pages.
From a web users’ perspective, a website is usually a single domain or perhaps a subdomain. In your post, you refer to “the 4 payday loan websites being on the same domain”, which is it, 4 websites or just one?
The bottom line is that as long as those 4 websites have unique content, and offer something of value to users in that content, and don’t violate any of Google’s webmaster guidelines, you should be fine.
If the website content is primarily the same iframe application then Google will pass all of the link juice through to the vendor’s website and your pages may not ever rank.
If your pages serve no other purpose other than to get users to the iframe content then you may be in violation of the Bridge/Doorway page policies.
If your pages offer something of value to users, and the iframe content is merely the order form/shopping cart, then you will be okay if you are following all of Google’s webmaster guidelines.