Thanks for sharing your report, it reveals several problems that can be fixed quite easily.
1. Using a single ad group for all your keywords.
Placing all your keywords in a single ad group is generally a bad idea, and likely the main contributor to your poor quality scores. Your keywords need to be split into separate ad groups, each with nearly identical keywords within the same ad group. By using tightly focused ad groups you can write compelling ad text that generates superior CTR which tends to improve Quality Scores.
2. Not using exact match keywords
In addition to phrase match, use exact match keywords to get better quality scores and improve performance of your campaigns.
3. Not choosing the most relevant keywords.
In your post you indicated your intention to target commercial customers, yet your keywords exclude any terms that specifically target that audience. I see one keyword that specifically targets “residential security gates”, but none that are specific to your target market. Consider adding terms like “commercial security gates”, “industrial security gates”, etc. Again, group your commercially targeted keywords into ad groups with nearly identical terms and write ad text for those specific terms within the each ad group, including the keywords within your ad text.
If you make those 3 changes listed above you will have significant improvements in the quality scores and performance of your campaign.