There’s a reason that you can purchase clicks off of Bing, and Google Search for only a penny a click. That reason is that it is the smallest denomination of legal tender. The sad truth is that those clicks, in most cases, are worth far less than one penny in commercial value.
That’s right… I said it!
If you focus on the cheapest clicks you will get the least value per click, in most cases, the value is at or approximately zero.
It’s a waste of time and money unless there is some special contest that awards the marketer with the cheapest click costs. Then and only then are you ever going to profit from one penny clicks.
Clicks that cost a penny are typically worth far less than a penny. What you are buying is traffic from PTC centers based in Bangladesh and other third world countries where people are paid as little as $8 per week to work 50-60 hours clicking on your ads, over and over, all day long.
Think about it… if we could actually make a profit buying traffic for one penny a click why would anyone ever be willing to pay more than a penny?
Marketers that focus on the one penny click don’t make any money, except perhaps when they sell you a course on how to get one penny clicks, but their one penny clicks are losing money, not making a profit.
Sorry, but bad advice is bad advice. Anyone teaching you how to get one cent clicks is teaching you how to lose money, and even worse time. You can always get more money, but once your time is lost you never get it back.