[Just found out my website gets to page one on Google for whatever little I put on it Does anybody have a keyphrase, product -so I can run some more tests.]
After performing your search append the following string to your search URL in the address bar of your web browser and then press ENTER on your keyboard: &pws=0
This will turn off the Personalized Web Search feature of Google Search for that particular query.
To clarify, you append the &pws=0 to the URL of the Google search after you search for your keyword. This turns off the personalized results for that particular query.
http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=internet+marketing Is changed to: http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=internet+marketing&pws=0
Here are step by step instructions:
- Perform your keyword search on Google as usual.
- Click on the URL in the Address Bar of your web browser.
- Hit the END key on your keyboard.
- Type the following string: &pws=0
- Press ENTER on your keyboard to see search results with personalized search results turned off.
Google tracks and uses personalized search results whether you are logged in or not.