[I have 6 sites that were bringing me a good income on Adsense for over 2 years. Up and till yesterday of course. Every single site I own, including ones that were not Adsense based got slapped into oblivion. I was untouched during the first panda update, and I finally got manhandled on panda 2.1. On 2.1 it wasn’t so bad, I lost about 40 percent of my earnings and positions dropped rather than pages dropped. As of 23 June 2011, I woke up to find every single one of my sites had been molested by those on google. No message in webmaster tools, nothing at all. From earning over $400 daily to $3 a day all in the space of 3 months I feel like giving up on my dreams. Yes, I hate to admit it, but it feels like I’m fighting a battle I can never win. When I was hit on 2.1 I revamped everything. I spent over $5000 on content, fixed every issue as many have said. no index, 301s, SEO, whitehat backlinks, etc, etc, etc.]
Please allow me to share some information that may help you going forward.
There are two ways that the new Panda updates could affect your rankings.
- Panda was designed to employ some new algorithmic methods of recognizing low-quality content. If your writing style employs phraseology that triggers low-quality scores then your pages will rank lower in SERPs. Try to look at your content from a linguistic angle to determine if your phraseology is at fault.
- If you have been linking building from pages that are scored as low-quality pages then backlinks that were formerly helping your rankings have been devalued and your own content, which could be excellent quality, is now suffering from a lack of high-quality backlinks. Try to update content that you control on backlinks you have previously placed and/or take care to add useful and valuable content with high-quality phraseology to pages where you place your future backlinks.
I have noticed that many folks have neglected to consider that their rankings declines could be from either or both of those reasons.